PMI New Jersey Chapter

VoS Available Opportunity


PMINJ Membership is Required for Volunteer Positions

Candidate: Review the following requirements for this volunteer role.
If you are interested, Apply using the button at the bottom of the page and complete the application.

If the requirements for this opportuinty do not meet your expectations,
consider reviewing other open opportunities or let us know how you would like to volunteer for the chapter.

Volunteer Title:     Mentor
VP Organization:     ProfessionalDevelopment
Summary:   New Jersey PMI is looking for mentors to help other project managers in our area to succeed and grow in the Project Management field. The requirements are few but the benefits are extraordinary.
Benefits of volunteering   
for this role:  
• Refresh key PM skills and enrich the local Project Management community through knowledge sharing
• Earn PDUs for your time
• Recognition at the Annual Recognition Dinner
• Discounts to PMI events
Responsibilities:   • Minimum five years of project management experience
• Membership in the New Jersey PMI chapter in good standing
• Willingness to share your knowledge approximately 6 to 10 hours a month
Desired Skills:   na
Number of volunteers needed:     
Estimated Time Commitment:     6 to 10 hours per month
Type of Interaction:     In Person - No
  Virtual - Yes
  Both - No
Travel Required:     No
Can Volunteer   
hold multiple positions:  
Interview Required:     Yes
Opportunity Start:     
Opportunity End:     
Mentor Responsibilities Agreement

Becoming a mentor is a serious commitment. To ensure a successful mentorship engagement with every assigned mentee, here are the top responsibilities - but not the only ones - that you MUST agree to assume. (Note: Not agreeing to ALL responsibilities will disqualify you from serving as a Mentor.) ONLY APPLY if you agree to these responsibilities:
  • Mentor will work with Mentee to identify area(s) needing improvement.
  • Mentor will help foster open conversations with the Mentee by keeping private all communications with the Mentee.
  • Mentor will provide feedback and advice with candor for the benefit of the Mentee.
  • Mentor will share their Project Management and other relevant experience to help Mentee accomplish their goal(s).
  • Mentor will give at least 24-hours advance notice to Mentee to cancel any scheduled meeting.
Also, before submitting the Application, you must upload the following documents, so have them ready to submit before you complete the Application on the next page. You must use the file naming convention:
  • Headshot: LastName_FristName_Picture_Mentor.PNG
  • Resume: LastName_FristName_Resume_Mentor.PDF

Click Apply below to complete the volunteer application.

Otherwise click Review Other Opportunities.


Review Other Opportunities

PMI New Jersey Chapter
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